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Michele Ferri

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Michele Ferri Empty Michele Ferri

Message par johnkeatss Mar 11 Oct - 11:42

Hello guys!

Today I´m gonna show one of my favourite defender, Michele Ferri from Palermo, he´s well known, maybe he is not the best, but he´s really good and one of the most complete, because he could play in the center and both sides. He isn´t so much expensive, he´ll joined to my Recre for 750k and 1.5 in 24 months.
Michele Ferri Michel10

As you could see he is young, 22 years old, he´s really good kicking and heading and good marking, and he has good physical stats.
I´ll hope you like it.

Messages : 31
Date d'inscription : 26/09/2016
Age : 46
Localisation : Spain

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